The Great Game 🎲 Vicino Prossimo

White Light on Fractal

Talfar looked down at the crystal orb, and recited the ancient formula, written one million years ago by the Seven Fractal Sages of the Golden Hill.

Shine the white light of Awareness, Understanding, and Motivation on the fractal orb. As you watch it circling slowly, repeat slowly the sacred syllable of the Seven Sages: AUM.

Talfar repeated the sacred syllable, and after a minute he saw the political moment, with spikes of orange light piercing a mid-section of stars. He saw the purple beams dancing from belt to belt, and the spidery grey lines emanating from the Deep. But all he could really think about was Thalphemera.

But she was on her own path, and his job wasn’t to be her supervisor. It wasn’t to approve or disapprove of what she might do in order to find out the things she needed to know. He resolved to refocus his thoughts, to forget, at least momentarily, about the last time they saw each other: her sad smile as she docked at the Streamdome, stepping into a portal that would take her who knows where. He didn’t ask her were she was going, and she didn’t offer to tell him. They’d been too well trained for that.

He was also trained to do without manuals and holy texts, yet this time he really needed to consult the Precepts section in The Book of Fractals:

The only knowledge that can harm you is the one that’s hidden from you. Avoid regret, except insofar as it helps you to face the past. The past is important, but not as important as learning from it.

Shine a white light on the fractal orb, composed of different tints. Include them all, but above all expose the real form you seek. Not the form you might imagine, or the form you might need. Anyone can imagine solutions to what they need, but the world stalker goes beyond his own need, imagining instead the imperatives of truth.

The line of time leads to fractal moments in time, and beyond these. Look into the structure of the situation, its colourful world, then let the light continue along its path. A white line travelling in space to more fractals in time, through them, around them, to the translucent, Open Field.

Talfar believed there was no problem that couldn’t be solved. If the various species could see the colours that composed their own points of view, as well as the points of view of those around them, then they could see that there was no need for fighting. Letting go of their point of view would be a liberation, not a judgment.

For thousands of years they’d tried to keep the Great Triangle free from the dichotomous politics of the Black and Purple Pulses. Most of those who ventured into the Great Triangle did so with approval from the Kraslikan Assembly. But many had side-stepped the Assembly and flew under the radar, setting up secret networks of espionage and trafficking. Some set up centres of operation, even hidden kingdoms. Wasn’t it time to set the record straight, to bring out into the open what had been happening all along? The Baulians were a rational species and could surely cope with the news. The Fallarians might resist, but there were those among them who could see beyond their own self interest. Talfar hoped the Assembly would see it this way.


Next: 🎲 The Nature of the Game

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