Gospel & Universe 🌎 Many Tribes
of Currents of Religion & Many Tribes
Currents of Religion
In Part 2: Currents of Religion I explore the relation between agnosticism and religion in terms of 1) history, comparative religion, & Assyriology, 2) fictional scenarios set in Babylon & Paris, 3) writing which straddles doubt in various ways (Zhuanghzi’s Daoism, Whitman’s Transcendentalism, & Rushdie’s mysticism), and 4) a positive attitude toward death.
🌎 Many Tribes is the introductory chapter to Part 2. It provides an outline of global religions as well as an argument against religious exclusivity. In ♒️ The Currents of Sumer I then go back to the religion of early Mesopotamia. I use Peter Enns and Jean Botteró to explore exclusive biblical viewpoints in terms of Mesopotamian history, language, narrative, religion, math, astronomy, and culture. ⏯ Systems and ✝︎ St. Francis continue this archaeology of Western belief by arguing that Christianity should separate itself from its exclusionary origins. I suggest a more agnostic — yet still Christian — alternative: an inclusive and open belief system, where Jesus is a historical figure and a mystical option, but not the only truth.
🍎 The Apple-Merchant of Babylon picks up on the Mesopotamian theme of ♒️ Currents by depicting a comic fictional take on the Bible’s origins: Moe, frustrated by the inability of his fellow merchants to stand up to foreign competition, devises a new religion. This is followed by a more serious chapter, 🇫🇷 The Priest’s Dilemma, which is an internal monologue dramatizing a contemporary priest’s struggle with 1) Mesopotamian roots, which was the focus of ♒️ Currents, and 2) the challenge of evolution, which was central to my argument in 🦖 At the Wild & Fog (in Part 1: Philosophy, Science, & Literature).
The next two chapters explore the relation between theism and doubt in four different writers: 💫 Believing in the Mystery examines how Whitman, Laozi, and Zhuangzi allow doubt to operate within their theistic belief systems; 🇮🇳 The Fiction of Doubt examines how doubt permeates Rushdie’s first five novels. This doubt becomes both a criticism of dogma and a method of cultural expansion and mystical connection.
Finally, as a coda to Gospel & Universe, ☠️ Ars Moriendi is a personal look at agnosticism & death.
Many Tribes
This chapter looks at religion from a historical and global perspective. I start with Six Versions of Infinity, which outlines the six major world religions in terms of their degrees of exclusivity. The Creation of Outcasts & A Specific Version of Infinity then argues that the particular type of exclusivity we find in Christianity is both divisive and unnecessary. I argue that Christianity should 1) become more agnostic by erasing (or at least blurring) the line between religion & doubt, and 2) become more ecumenical by discarding (or at least sidelining) the old Jewish antagonism between one religion & another.
I then create a fictional scenario in which Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism interact with each other in the Middle East: in Nothing in Damascus math, theology, and love intersect, which allows for a collapse of religious categories as well as a mystical union of categories.
In Myth & Religion, East & West, One God, and Anti-Definitions I look at the historic shift from polytheistic uncertainty to monotheistic certainty in Western religion (Judaism, Christianity, & Islam). I contrast Eastern continuity with Western change, and I argue against the innate superiority of monotheism. This will be helpful background to the next chapters — ♒️ The Currents of Sumer, ⏯ Systems, and ✝︎ St. Francis — in which I take a positive look at the Mesopotamian roots of Judaeo-Christianity, and suggest ways in which Christianity might become more open and inclusive.
Finally, All Those Things the Wise Men Say contains poems that emphasize differences and similarities in global religions.
Next: Six Versions of Infinity