Aatari (or Ataari) are citizens of Aatari Lok, a universe in the Middlebelt group of universes. The capital city, Arterium, is on the home planet, Attar Prime. The Blue Bubble, the Big Four conference centres, and the Kantabri Bar are on the Aatari planet of Kollarum. In 🎲 The Blue Bubble and 🎲 The Lady with the White Fangs, the host of the bar (Qayam) meets a Fallarian spy (Dactalla), along with a host of other aliens. In 🎲 The Big Four Farenn meets Tarnar, and recounts how he met Qayam. Qayam’s back story (on the planet of Aatari Doom) is told in 🎲 The Tarry Dot and 🎲 Escape from Aatari Doom.
Algodad is the capital city of Algoritmo, which is the ‘planet’ which constitutes the surface of the Soul Star. Beneath Algoritmo are infinite layers of comic history, frozen in time, like geological layers. See Soul Star (below) for a map and a more detailed explanation.
The Anunnaki are beings who make contact occasionally with the Vicinese (through the Dome in Vicino Concordia, which is connected to the Dome of the Pantheon in Rome). In The Anunnaki, they meet Lucia and Sandra in the Pantheon. Their relation to Fra Sole, the Seamers & Reapers, and the Looking-Glass Beings remains unclear. The Anunnaki are the only beings (apart from Algotodo and the Seamers & Reapers) who can penetrate the infinitesimal to the depth of infinity.
BAULIAN refers to the planet or inhabitants of the city Baulopolis or the planet Baulis (see Maps), or to the influence or dominions of the Baulian Empire. The planet of Baulis is in the galaxy of Baulis Major, in the universe of the Orange Hoop. The Baulians are initially unaware of the universes beyond The Great Triangle, which contains The Orange Hoop, The Green Buzz, and The Violet Hoop (the universe containing the Milky Way). The history of the Baulians and the Baulian Empire is recounted in 🔮 The Ascendency of Baulis Prime. Also, see the timeline above.The most powerful Baulians are the Fractal Masters and Fractals Mystics. Rablanar is the most disconcerting Fractal Mystic, for he argues that there must be intelligent life beyond The Great Triangle, and there could be life in extreme subatomic depths (the Baulians on the other hand believe that there is nothing beyond the Great Triangle and that nothing can be smaller than 10 to minus 30 of a metre). Baulians are bright pink, eight feet cubed, and have 14 appendages.
BAULOMORPH is a being that is part Baulian and part other species. The Baulians infract other species with complex chemical patterns that override their DNA or neural systems. As recounted in 🔮 On Becoming Human, Berry was born and raised on Earth, and was infracted at the age of 13. Like other Baulomorphs (Baulixia, etc.), he’s dominated by Baulian feelings and thoughts, yet he retains strong vestiges of his human self.
Baulopolis is the capital city of the Baulian Empire. The Greater Metropolitan Area has a diameter of about 600 kilometres, and has a population of about 15 billion. It capital contains The Great Temple (where the Fractal Masters and Fractal Mystics reside), which is on the edges of The Pink Well, from the first Baulians swirled upward 1.6 million years ago. 🔮 The Ascendency of Baulis Prime
The Black Council is the highest governing body in the Fallar Dominion.
THE BLACK PULSE is the soodernmost universe in Kraslika (see the map above). The Black Pulse is dominated by the Fallarians, who come from the galaxy of Fallar Ultima. Their capital city is Fallar Discordia, on the planet of Fallar Prime. This is where the Demon Priests of the Black Horde have their councils. Like the Purple Pulse, the Black Pulse contains about ten trillion galaxies.
The Blue Dreamers are from the Blue Dream Universe, which is strongly influenced by the study of history and the accumulation of facts. Humans infracted by the Blue Dreamers (such as Ragor the Clerk in🧚 The Blue Dreamers) are called Bluplants.
THE BOOK OF FRACTALS was written a million years ago by the Seven Fractal Sages of Vicino Prossimo. The Book explains how fractals were discovered, developed, and applied to the fields of engineering, transportation (see Infinitesimal Propulsion), defence, the construction of the Soul Star, critical thinking, psychological well-being, etc. The Book is composed of four sections: I. Precepts, II. History, III. Technology, and IV. Exercises. Excerpts from the Book can be found in 🎲 Fractals, ⭐️ The Hidden Star, 🔮 At Sea, 🎲 White Light on Fractal, 💍 The Soul Star, and ⭐️ The Crazy Diamond. The relation of individual selves to the Soul Star is explained in 🧚 The Bind That Flies.
The Bright Council is the powerful 30-member Vicinese council that meets on the Golden Hill in the capital, Vicino Concordia. The Council receives information from the universities and institutions, and liaises with the Anunnaki who visit the Dome. In 🎲 On the Golden Hill the Council receives a report from Thalphemera, a Magnet Dreamer.
Dalitians are a species, originally from the planet of Skrakta in the soodern universe of the Frozen Skiff. With the help of the Bakhtars, the Dalitians emerged from beneath the yoke of the Superions. Dalitians are quick-witted, able to move at high speeds, capable of flight, and extraordinarily powerful. They spread quickly throughout the Kraslika, and are both respected and well-paid as soldiers and guards. Because they evolved beneath the brutal reign of the Superions, they remain intensely loyal to whoever offers freedom, justice, equality, and democracy. Horsefly is a Dalitian. Because of Fra Sole’s magnetic dicing, Dalitians are irresistibly drawn to the Vollifleurs from the Pink Sea.
Dark Mirrors is a piece of subatomic technology used by the Demon Priests to block, direct, or magnify infinitesimal energy.
Dark Mirror Lines allow the Demon Priests to communicate at subatomic and encoded frequencies from one end of the Kraslika to the next (although the Vicinese are capable of blocking and jamming these lines within their Purple Pulse universe). The computors and monitors used to do this are called mirrorscopes.
DEMON PRIESTS OF THE BLACK HORDE are the members of the most dangerous group in the Black Pulse universe. They hold five of the ten seats in the Black Council, the highest governing body in the Fallar Dominion. There are 13 Demon Priests, among whom are Gascitar and Kaldriscat, who connive against Knifestream in 🎲 The Chancemasters of Die. Farenn gives advice to this Horde Council in 🎲 The Condensation of Demon Saints and in 🎲 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Alive.
DIE is a planet near the Fallarian capital, Fallar Discordia (See Maps). It is made up of the largest and most dense farridium in existence. The Farridan Die is a six-sided cube 8.1 inches wide. Deep blue and made of extremely dense farridium, the Die is on permanent display in the middle of the Grande Salle de Jeux on the planet Die. In the Great Game (see below), the Chancemaster who most accurately predicts the dielilts (see below) and who therefore most accurately weighs the fluctuating forces of the cosmos, becomes The Holder of The Farridian Die. 🎲 The Chancemasters of Die
Dinaras are the most common Kraslikan currency, and are worth about 5 US dollars.
DIETILT is an erratic tilting of the Fallarian planet of Die. The planet tilts from its regular axis so rapidly and erratically that it’s very difficult to predict at what angle the planet will lie in even the next second — all of which is the basis of the Game played by the Chancemasters (such as Cocarider) which is played in the Grande Salle under the watchful eyes of the Head Croupier, Diamarus. The characteristics of the planet, as well as the politics surrounding the Game, are introduced in 🎲 The Chancemasters of Die.
Directions in the 13 universes of the Kraslika are nord (north), sood (south), est (east), and oost (west). Maps
FALLARIAN refers to the planet or inhabitants of Fallar Prime, or to the Fallarian Dominion of the Black Pulse. The Fallarians are — in general — a brutal, brilliant species who expanded their control from the planet of Fallar Prime to much of the soodern hemisphere of the Kraslika. They are thus the natural enemies of the Vicinese, who control much of the nordern hemisphere (see the timeline at the top of this page). The Fallarian capital is Fallar Discordia. Antonio le Triste is a Fallarian who was sent to Earth as a child.
Farridium is the densest element in the 13 known universes. The densest layers of farridium are found at the core of the planet Die. The Aataris (from the universe of Ataari Lok) use farridium shields on their intergalactic ferries, which take passengers across the Platonar Void to Kollarum.
FRACTALS are copies of larger forms into smaller forms. The process of making smaller forms, and using these smaller forms to change other forms, is called infraction. See The Book of Fractals and Infraction.
Fractal Masters & Fractal Mystics are Bualian luminaries who reside on the 520th floor of The Great Temple in Baulopolis. The Fractal Masters are technical wizards who oversee the routes of colonization and subjugation, while the Fractal Mystics (especially Rablanar) explore questions of ethics, spirituality, and the paradox of finding meaning in infinite fields. 🔮 Fractal Masters & Fractal Mystics
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