¡Hola! - Guanajuato - Tulum - Uxmal - Mérida & Campeche - Xalapa - Oaxaca - ¡Adiós!
From the Rufino Tamayo Museum, Oaxaca
Guanajuato is a city of about 175,000 located between Guadalajara and Mexico City. It has very old mines (La Valenciana produced 30% of the world's silver for 250 years — Wikipedia), a university established in 1732, a 19th century opera house (Teatro Juáres), a Cervantes festival (every year in the Fall), and a famous grain exchange building — the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, which is now a museum of Mexican history. In 1810 the heads of four fathers of independence (Hidalgo, Allende, Jiménez, and Aldama) were put on spikes on the outside corners of the Alhóndiga for ten years — until Independence. Plaza Fernando (below) is one of the many colourful corners of the city.
Mérida & Campeche
En route to Xalapa, which is between Oaxaca and Veracruz
Xalapa is the capital of the state of Veracruz, has a little less than half a million people, and is home to the striking Xalapa Museum of Anthropology
Drinking in a café on the zócalo. I'm looking rather thin — I eventually got down to 110 pounds! I didn't know yet that I had celiac disease.
Climbing up to Monte Albán, just outside of Oaxaca City. The Zapotec site began around 500 BC.
In the Rufino Tamayo Museum, Oaxaca City
From the Rufino Tamayo Museum, Oaxaca
From the Xalapa Museum of Anthropology