The Three Graces 💚 Rome & Vicino Concordia
The Anunnaki
On Vicino Prime
The invisible beings slowly emerged from their subatomic shields and turned into fine contours of mist. Mist became water and water resolved itself into blood, neurons, and flesh. Shimmering and tactile, they pulsed life into nervous systems, digestive systems, limbs, ears and mouths.
The Anunnaki were considering whether or not to counter the latest move of the Black Pulse, whose Horde was now meeting in the depths of Fallar Ultima. While the Baulian takeover of Earth seemed far away, and while Earth was a beautiful but unnecessary planet, its proximity to the Soul Star could not be overlooked.
The twelve Anunnaki disappeared for a fraction of a second as the Pulse emanated from the top of the Dome and into the depths of the cosmos. A fraction of a nanosecond later, the pulse returned, streaked in bands of orange.
Under the Dome
Lucia was sucked up the oculus of the Pantheon like a mouthful of Apero spritz up a straw. Looking down, she saw a dozen glowing entities in a circle, in the centre of which was a purple sphere.
The Anunnaki displayed their assent by refracting Fra Sole’s image onto the crystals of the Great Dome.
The extremities of what was once her body tingled, then scintillated, then pulsed from the centre of her consciousness down to the platform that held the twelve aliens, and then pulsed back up again. Once the pulse was complete she felt different. Her contact with the platform had infused her with points from twelve universes, fractalled in orange light so intense that she thought it would burn up every shred of her existence.
But her awareness didn’t vanish. Rather, it was intact and yet at the same time pulsing in synchrony with the twelve entities, which were themselves pulsing in various sequences with the purple sphere. The sphere pulsed in sequences with the twelve yet it also transferred these sequences into a different sequence, one that that went so deep into the subatomic realm that location and time were impossible to measure.
The reason this realm was impossible to measure was that it went beyond the instruments of the Vicinese and the Fallarians.
Mining Infinity
The Anunnaki were the only beings, apart from the Looking Glass Beings and the Seamers & Reapers, who could harness the power of infinity. Because both groups were capable of operating beneath the fractal limits of the Kraslikans — which was one millimetre to the negative power of 100 — their activities remained invisible to even the most finely-calibrated Vicinese or Fallarian fractometers.
The abilities of the Anunnaki and the Looking Glass Beings differed slightly, however. While the Looking Glass Beings were experts in harnessing the outer power of infinity, what they called the cosmoic power, the Anunnaki excelled in harnessing the inward, or infinitesimal, power.
The Looking Glass Beings could multiply the cosmoic speed of light not just a hundred times (as did the Vicinese and Fallarians), and not just a million times (as did the Anunnaki), but an infinite number of times. As a result, the Looking Glass Beings could go from one galactic superstructure to the next, and from one cosmos to the next, not just in a fraction of a second, but instantaneously. By contrast, it took the Anunnaki several seconds to travel from one galaxy cluster to the next.
Conversely, the Anunnaki had the advantage in terms of harnessing the infinitesimal. While the Looking Glass Beings could mine a millimetre of space to the negative power of 200, the Anunnaki could mine a millimetre to the power of infinity. The Anunnaki could take the power of one gram of plutonium and multiply it internally to an endless power, thus plumbing the endless depths of subatomic matter and putting into practice the theoretical mathematical fact that space is infinitely divisible.
This gave the Anunnaki the power to operate unseen by anyone. This also made them the most dangerous species, since they were able to harness a subatomic power that made atomic bombs look like firecrackers.
The only beings in the entire Hexagon of 222 cosmoi who could harness both the outer and inner power of infinity were the Seamers & Reapers and the ancient sage Algotodo. Yet there was no information on the whereabouts of the Seamers & Reapers, and Algotodo was a legendary figure, a mythic author of The Book of Fractals and mythic inventor of the orb. No one took the claims of his actual existence seriously. In any case he wasn’t heard of for the last million years, which lead people to assume that he was long dead.
Scholars concluded that the wonderful writing ascribed to Algotodo (in The Book of Fractals) was cobbled together by a group, or a whole school, of ancient sages and scientists. The more evidence the scholars found of Algotodo’s specific life and personality, the more they argued that the cabal of ancient seers were intent on creating a mythic persona, an exemplar for all space and time.
The Vicinese and Fallarians believed this, but the Looking Glass Beings and the Anunnaki weren’t so sure. Fra Sole, who was the LGB responsible for ties with the Anunnaki and for the well-being of the Kraslika, knew exactly exactly where Algotodo lived.
Across from her, Lucia saw another human form.
From the Grande Raccordo Anulare
The last thing Sandra remembered was opening a tin door into a gypsy’s caravan, somewhere on the outskirts of Rome, somewhere along the Grand Ring Junction. She remembered looking at the circular shape of a coffee cup, then lifting above a great circle of cars and blinding orange streaks, then falling into another circle, a small hole in the universe, and onto an iridescent marble floor.
Then the shapes emerged from the purple air. Twelve shapes in a circle, with three other points of light, one , the other two wavering shades of green.
Her mind cleared and she remembered that she was a Canadian student in Geneva, taking a trip to Rome. She remembered wanting to be somewhere even further than Geneva. Somewhere that would make her change the way she saw the world. Fra Sole wondered what she would say if she knew that she was not in the Pantheon in Rome at all. If she knew that she was in the building upon which the Pantheon was modelled: the Golden Dome, which sat on the tip of the Golden Hill in Vicino Concordia, at the very apex of their cosmos.
She remembered thinking about the shapes of the coffee cups she drank from in Campo dei Fiori. She thought it was just the size and shape of the cups that fascinated her, but now she saw the differences in the designs that were interwoven into the circular walls of the cups. The designs became more elaborate, stretching horizontally in each direction. They wove together like the images of leaves, flowers, fabrics, stars. They were like the stems of Alphonse Mucha, if his patterns could move.
The images spread out wider and wider until they came together on the other side. The lines of the designs were the lines of her neurons reaching from one side of the Dome to the other, where they interlocked with the neurons of Lucia and Claudia, who each stood between two luminous beings.
As their neurons interlocked, their myelin stems opened and the neurons flowed one into the other, dendrite into dendrite, soma into soma, mind into mind and flesh into flesh. Flesh into mind and mind into flesh. They were separate, but part of the same Something. And this Something included another form, image, spirit: another Something that slid toward them as a petal slides into a rose.
Finally, a single pulsed convulsed all three bodies. A series of complex waves vibrated from one body of neurons to the next, connecting them in a way that made their bodies arch and then collapse.
Next: 💚 In the Field of Flowers
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