ALGOBRITH ⭐️ is a fractal historian who ponders history while sitting at a cafe on the Grand Piazza in the city of Algodad. He also writes about his travels into the temporal depths of the planet Algoritmo.
ALGOTODO ⭐️ is the only living member of the Seven Sages of Vicinese Antiquity. After losing the love of his life, Wei, he helped to create, and now lives on, the planet Algoritmo. This tiny yet infinitely dense planet is an infracted version of the Kraslika. It is home to a sextillion fractal beings, that is, to AI beings whose originals have died over the last million years. Algotodo and the Seven Sages designed Algoritmo, but the other Six died before Algotodo could initiate Algoritmo by setting off an algonuclear bomb. The planet is both a memorial to, and a mirror of, the Kraslika cosmos. ⭐️ And Yet.
ALICIA 🧚 is a high-school student who tries to make Baldric understand that girls aren’t aliens.
ANTINY ⭐️ is a traveller from the planet Antigua, which lies outside both the Kraslika (the main cosmos in the novel) and the Hexagon (the other cosmoi, known to the Looking-Glass Beings). After a very long journey, Antiny spies the ship of Looking-Glass Being 822. ⭐️ Antiny the 23rd
Antoine 💍 is an instructor at the Sorbonne. Martine’s ex-fiancé, Antoine is a stereotype of the trendy academic.
ANTONIO 🧚 is a rebel from The Black Pulse who seduces the angelic Beatrice. Born on Earth, Antonio intuits his inner Fallarian nature and dedicates himself to the doctrine of free will at any cost.
Balazan 🔮: a Baulian integration specialist. Deeply learned yet new to humanity, Balazan awkwardly tries to orient Madame Dupont to her new life in Paris 2.7.
BALDRIC 🧚: the son of Antonio and Beatrice. A Canadian idiot, Baldric is set loose in the world with nothing but crazed parental advice and his own skinny wits. 🧚 Black Diamond Arts
Baulixia 🔮: a Baulomorph from France who works as a maid in Matthew’s temporary apartment. A mix of working-class French and Baulian luxuriante, she introduces Matthew to the strange worlds of extraterrestrial sex. ✏️ The French Maid
BEATRICE 🧚: the belle of the prairies and eventual wife of Antonio. Influenced by her grandmother Güsfreude, Beatrice has a hard time differentiating a fallen angel from a sweet-talking con-man in Gucci shoes. 🧚 Quest
Beelzebannur 🔮: a Baulian integration specialist who helps orient Matthew to Vancouver 2.7.
BERRY 🔮: a Baulomorph and a student at UBC (The University of British Columbia). Born on Earth and infracted at age 13, Berry is of two minds about humans: he finds the species repulsive, yet can’t control his attraction to Juniper. For Berry’s infraction, see 🔮 On Becoming Human.
CLARK KENT / TARNAR 💚: a visiting professor at the University of Palermo. Clark is a Tarnaround, a human infracted by aliens from the Copper Tarn universe. While Clark appears to be a mild-mannered defender of national freedom, he isn’t quite the man Claudia imagines him to be. For Tarnar’s infraction, see Infraction 101. For his relation with Claudia, see 💚 I, Claudia
CLAUDIA 💚: a student in Palermo. After dealing with her angry xenophobic father, Claudia is seduced by the liberating philosophy of Clark Kent. While writing in Palermo’s English Garden, she encounters Pietro Parlante and Clark Kent. Later in Rome, she encounters Lucia and Sandra. 💚 Pietro Parlante
Coccarider 🎲: a Fallixian who is the most skilled player of The Game, which takes place on planet Die. 🎲 The Nature of the Game
CURTUS 🗽: a New York lawyer and amateur historian. From his apartment above Fifth Avenue, Curtus comments approvingly on President Trump and on his secretary Phyllis. His quietism and decadence eventually attract the attention of the Baulian sect, The Luxorium. 🗽The Political Climate
Diamarus 🎲: the head croupier of The Game on planet Die. 🎲 The Nature of the Game
DACTALLA 🎲: a Fallarian spy in deep cover as a travel agent on Attar Prime (in the Ataari Lok universe). Ostensibly working for Knifestream (a Demon Priest), she has a special bond with Farenn (a Fallarian who is both respected and feared by the Demon Priests), and peaks the interest of Qayam at a conference on the tourist planet Kollarum. 🎲 The Blue Bubble
822 ⭐️: a Looking-Glass Being. ⭐️ The Flight of the Chronus
Emily & Charlotte ✏️: UBC students.
FARENN 🎲: a writer, philosopher, and diplomat whose counsel is sought by the Demon Priests of the Black Horde and the Grand Assembly on Kollarum. He has a covert relation with Dactalla. 🎲 The Orb
FRA SOLE ⭐️: a Looking-Glass Being who (contrary to Einstein’s saying) rolls dice with the cosmos.
Conrad 💍: an English scholar from Oxford, recently deceased. Married for 59 years to Madame Dupont, Conrad shared with her an idyllic professorial life in Montparnasse.
FRANCINE 💍: a French diplomat who is married to Remy. Although she hates America, Francine can’t quite bring herself to hate her American husband and children. 🗽 Jason
Gascitar and Kaldriscat 🎲: Demon Priests; allies against the Demon Priest Knifestream.
GÜSFREUDE 🧚: Beatrice’s grandmother who lives in Eden Valley. Steeped in ancient wisdom and folklore, Güsfreude guides Beatrice onto the Golden Path that leads to the Stairway to Heaven. 🧚 Güsfreude
Herr Kollixion 🎲: Field Marshal of the Kollari Sector of Atari Lok, and dear friend of Knifestream.
HORSEFLY 🎲: a young adult from the planet Dalitis (in the cosmos of the Frozen Skiff). Horsefly is exceptionally fast and powerful, which makes him very attractive to Venoozia (from the Pink Sea). They meet at the Kalkutter Security Agency on Kollarum.
Jenny & Sam🗽: the children of Remy & Francine.
JUNIPER ✏️: a UBC student who stands up to Old Rex and takes no prisoners, except Berry. ✏️ J. Alfred
K 🎲: an elderly Lactari who sees confusing evidence of sentient life beyond the solar system of Lactar.
KENNETH 💍: an Oxford scholar lecturing at the Collège de France (in the Latin Quarter). An expert in existential probability, Kenneth is in love with Martine and deeply jealous of her friend Antoine. Kenneth has difficulty coming to terms with what Martine sees as ESP. 💍 The Actress
KNIFESTREAM 🎲: Demon Priest. Chief controller of The Game on planet Die. He operates a vast spy network, of which he believes Dactalla to be a part. 🎲 The Best Laid Plans
LUCIA 💚: an art student from Parma who moves to Florence. Plagued by celestial visions, Lucia is further unnerved by her encounters with Claudia and Sandra in Rome. 💚 Di Parma
MADAME DUPONT 💍: an elderly widow and Holocaust survivor. Having specialized in French philosophy and Blaise Pascal, she returns to the Collège de France for nostalgic and academic reasons. Fragile in body and fiery in spirit, she yearns to be reunited with her intellectual soul-mate Conrad. 💍 Madame Dupont
Maria & Elee 🧚: Two Filipinas who live with Ragor.
MARTINE 💍: an actress and doctoral student at the Sorbonne. Finishing her thesis on aesthetics, Martine aspires to turn her relationship with Kenneth into a romantic drama. Her experience of ESP puzzles Kenneth and reverberates with the experiences of Lucia in Italy. 💍 The Actress
MATTHEW ✏️: a UBC student and aspiring writer. Traumatized by teachers and zealots, Matthew tries to reshape his world by writing stories about academia and travel. ✏️ The Collected Works of Humpty Dumpty
Meaghan & Kristy🗽: students who work at Starbucks in New York.🗽 The Political Climate
Molotova the Whip🗽: A Silvanian sent to Earth to aid Occasional Cortez in her Revolution. 🗽 The Elkbalam
Occasional Cortez🗽: a politician in NYC 2.7, and the underground leader of the Revolution. Beautiful and feisty, the OC’s teeth seduce Rablanar and frighten the ruthless Baulian overlords. 🗽 The Elkbalam
Old Rex (Dr. Rexroth) ✏️: an English professor at UBC. Raised in a world of epic visions and stiff upper lips, Old Rex struggles to inspire his students, especially the rebellious Juniper.
Pietro Parlante 💚: a geologist in Palermo. Having made millions discovering a rare mineral, Pietro embarks on a quest which leads him to Claudia, who is writing an essay in the English Garden.
Prester John 🧚: the town priest of Vulcan, Alberta. He believes that religion is science-fiction and that science-fiction is religion.
QUALINI 🎲: a Lactari librarian. Suspected of treason, Qualini is also in love with Zadar.
QAYAM 🎲: a commander in the Ataari Counter-Terrorism Agency, we first see him under cover as the host of the Kantabri Bar. on the Ataari planet of Kollarum. He is permanently stationed on Attar Prime. His early story is started in 🎲 The Tarry Dot.
RABLANAR 🔮: a Fractal Mystic (one of the two high castes in the Baulian Empire). Rablanar’s theory about infinite fractals challenges the supposed superiority of the Fractal Masters.
RAGOR 🔮: a Bluprint (a human infracted by the Blue Dreamers). Tasked with documenting nefarious human activity, Ragor finds himself distracted by delicious martinis, narratological battles with imaginary critics, and the smooth legs of Maria and Elee.
REMY 🗽: an expert in international law. A strong family man, Remy nevertheless falls for the cultured, decadent Francine. 🗽 Jason
SANDRA 💚: a Canadian who studies in Geneva and visits Rome. In attempting to negotiate the cross-currents of her own identity, Sandra finds herself attracted to the margins of what she can understand, both in Rome with Zigana and on the edges of the cosmos with Claudia and Lucia. 💚 Roma I
SYLVIA ✏️: a UBC student of environmental science who is attracted to Matthew.
TALFAR 🎲: a world-stalker, diplomat, and boyfriend of Thalphemera. Highly placed among the Vicinese elite, Talfar spends much of his time dealing with the Fallarians.
THALPHEMERA 🎲: a girlfriend of Talfar and a Magnet Dreamer who gives shocking news to the Bright Council. 🎲 On Golden Hill.
VENOOZIA 🎲: a young adult Vallorian (from the galaxy of Vallorità in the cosmos of the Pink Sea). Venoozia meets Horsefly while working as a secretary for the Kholkutter Security Agency.
Wei ⭐️ - the woman Algotodo falls in love with on the planet Jiadao.
Wizard (The) ⭐️: a Looking-Glass Being who searches for 822. ⭐️ The Flight of the Chronus
Zadar the Heretic 🎲: a Lactari who tries to warn his fellow Lactaris about the coming Doom. Zadar writes stories about alien life forms. Iconoclastic by nature, his stories disgust the Lactari cult members, yet are of interest to K the astronomer and Qualini. 🎲 On Lactar8
Zigana 💚: a beautiful gypsy who intrigues Sandra. 💚 Roma I
Contents - Characters - Glossary: A-F∙G-Z - Maps - Storylines